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- Written by Tom Snow
Austin City Limits, or just "ACL," is one of the more famous festivals in the United States. Not quite as big a deal as, say, Coachella, but it's up there. I'm sure it's the biggest one in Texas, and it features artists from all over the genre spectrum from rock to rap to electronic to country, and every level of popularity from the biggest names to flavors-of-the-month with one big radio hit to unknowns just beginning their careers. It happens over the first two weekends of every October (except 2020, of course) in Zilker Park in Austin, Texas.
I've experienced ACL no less than five times.
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- Written by Tom Snow
One more day in Salzburg and there was still more to see. There's surprisingly quite a lot to do in such a small city.
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- Written by Tom Snow
Salzburg is a small city in Austria, the capital of a state also named Salzburg. At just over 100,000 inhabitants it's on a similar scale to Luxembourg City. It's mostly famous for being the home town of the legendary composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and more recently for a classic movie that was filmed there, "The Sound of Music." I have little interest in either of these things, though, so I'd wager this travelogue has fewer mentions of Mozart or the Von Trapps than any other about this city you're likely to read.
Read more: Salzburg Part 1 - Mirabell Palace and Stiegl Brewery
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- Written by Tom Snow
I'm almost done putting together a blog about my weekend in Salzburg, Austria, but before I put that up, I have to say a few words and share a few pictures from a day trip I took a week later to an out-of-the way spot in the northwestern tip of Bavaria. This place is called Kloster Kreuzberg and is in the Rhön mountains. It's not only a monastery (Kloster) but also has a big restaurant, some quaint-looking inns, hiking trails, and a brewery. Apparently the beer made in this brewery got some recognition from a 1987 Playboy article naming it the best beer in the world. So someone was reading the articles after all! Now, up to this point, I'd only ever heard the epithet "best beer in the world" applied to the Belgian Trappist ale Westvleteren 12, so if there was a rival claimant to this title, I had to taste it for myself.
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